kia ora
two locations in 2025
Vibing! It's official!
The Found whānau is growing, and we’re thrilled to welcome our friends from Church Untamed in Cromwell as we journey together as The Found Cromwell.
We’d love to meet you! If you’re in Cromwell, come hang with us at 4pm on Sunday, at the CELCI Upper Room.
Queenstown crew—see you on Sunday 12th January at 10am, at the Kingsview Hall.
Aroha nui and big hugs,
Ps Andrew + Alana Waples

Taking a cheeky look at our website? We're stoked you're here!

Who are
the found?
nau mai, haere mai, you are welcome here.
We are a whānau of believers, once lost, now found and not keeping quiet about it! Our name 'The Found' is inspired by the parables in Luke 15 because Jesus doesn’t just find the lost - He throws a party for them!
We are all about helping you know Jesus, find community and discover your purpose.
When you pull up at a Sunday Gathering in the whare karakia, drop into a home gathering for kai and kōrero around the Word, or serve together, you’ll meet some pretty rad people, the genuine ones, navigating life’s ups and downs together - with faith, hope and love —well grounded in God’s Word and walking in step with the Holy Spirit.
The Found is stoked to be part of the C3 Church Global Movement —a tribe of believers who are Christ-centred, Spirit-powered and connect-driven —we are all generous, fun and full of life, ready to welcome you!
Ready to find your people? Drop us your details and we’ll make sure you feel right at home!
Our heart for you is that you know Jesus, find community, and discover purpose.

Looking for a home Church?
We get it, choosing a Church is a lot; give it more than one visit, otherwise it's a bit like speed dating, (you really won't get the full picture).
Whether you’re new to town, a local lifer, or just curious about Jesus, we’re stoked you’re checking out The Found. Finding the right church is like searching for the best view in Central... it takes a bit of effort and it's always so worth it!
So do take your time, pray, ask us questions and make sure you know in your heart where God is planting you to grow. We've heard it said; "there's no 'perfect' Church, there's the perfect Church for you!" (And we hope it's hanging out with us!)
we value togetherness - how we gather:

Sunday gatherings
whare karakia
house of worship
The Found gathers on Sunday together in the house of worship and prayer, in the whare karakia. We pray, sing worship and learn from Scripture, we give space for the Holy Spirit, wairua tapu, creating welcoming spaces for believers and those who are curious about following Jesus.
from sunday 12th January 2025:

Home gatherings
kai + kōrero
food + good chats
The Found home gatherings are a welcoming space to invite friends and whānau, grow in your faith and find community at The Found. We usually start with a shared meal, dessert or snacks & drinks, followed by a chat, video teaching series, questions, discussion and prayer. We also run Alpha throughout the year for those exploring life and faith.
Home gatherings are taking a break over Christmas + New years.
Tuesday night in Fernhill
Wednesday night combined youth at The Salvation Army
Thursday mornings in Frankton for Māmā's & Pẽpi
Thursday night in Hanley's Farm
Friday nights in Cromwell

serving one another, our Community + beyond
manaaki tia
support + care
As The Found, we're a whānau who love Jesus and love people. We believe in Manaaki tia - being supportive, caring and showing hospitality to others. Our hearts are to share the kindness and love of Jesus, leading people to a relationship with and faith in Him, therefore extending the Kingdom of Heaven.
You'll find us serving each-other in the House, in our homes and in the community; making meals, coaching sports, volunteering and helping wherever we can. We choose to host, fund and partner with like-minded organisations that reflect our values and are Biblical, holistic, ethical and generous.
The Found support, fund and host programmes locally, nationally and internationally, partnering with Biblical, holistic, ethical and generous organisations.
1 John 3:18 "Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth."
get in touch:
Serve at our gatherings in the House of God, Whare Karakia.
Serve at our In home gatherings, prepare food, open your home, bring teaching.
Serve within your community and mission programmes.

Our Story

The Found began in November 2012 with Pastors Andrew and Alana Waples, starting as C3 Queenstown in a small room in Frankton. The vision was and still is to create spaces where people experience the love of Jesus, in a real and transformative way.
Despite facing challenges, including the loss of their daughter Violet, Andrew and Alana’s faith has remained strong, with the amazing community, hold fast to Gods promise in Psalm 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
The Founds commitment to loving God and loving people continues to shape all that we do.
Discover more about The Found’s journey and future vision by clicking "Read more."
At The Found and within the C3 movement we consider it a privilege to give back to God what He has so freely given to us. We encourage you to participate in giving financially as part of your worship to God, and believe it is part of your journey as a follower of Jesus to pray about what that is and to be led by the Holy Spirit.
"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
For your convenience here is our account number: 03-0675-0544372-01
C3 Church Queenstown Trust t/a The Found
Please send us a message if you would like to receive a receipt at the end of the financial year. The Found is an independent New Zealand Charitable Trust.

growth track